This is a brief summary of The First Church of Penguinism’s game plan for the next few years.
- Improve our website by making it better looking and more interactive.
- For now, we’re using Disqus which allows comments on blog posts.
- Gain members
- We may begin using a standardized membership system if people are interested.
- Generate some revenue through
- Merchandise
- Books and other media
- Ads, although we would prefer not to go this route, if the other revenue generation methods work well enough, and affiliate links, which are already in use
- Become a B Corp (public benefit corporation)
- Being a Public Benefit Corporation (B Corp) would allow us to focus on our goal of promoting open science and the cooperation between science and religion, while still acting as a business (Certified B Corporation).
- Start supporting open science organizations and other related organizations, including
- Crowdfunding
- If there is enough initial support, we will likely rely on Kickstarter or Indiegogo to fund additional expansion
For more information on Penguinism and The First Church of Penguinism, check out our FAQ on the home page.